Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs and Medication Policy



Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises of Playtime Paradise Wraparound, including outside play areas. This rule applies to everyone including staff, people collecting children or any other visitors. This includes Vaping and E-cigarettes

If we discover that a child has cigarettes, tobacco products or e-cigarettes in their possession while at the Club, we will confiscate the items and notify their parent or carer at the end of the session.


Anyone who arrives at the Club clearly under the influence of alcohol will be asked to leave immediately. If they are a member of staff, disciplinary procedures will follow.

If we discover that a child has alcohol in their possession while at the Club, we will confiscate it and notify their parent or carer at the end of the session.

Staff are asked not to bring alcohol onto the Club’s premises.


Anyone who arrives at the Club clearly under the influence of illegal drugs will be asked to leave immediately. If they are a member of staff, serious disciplinary procedures will follow.

If we discover that a child has illegal drugs in their possession while at the Club, we will inform their parent or carer.

If a member of staff is taking prescription drugs that may affect their ability to function effectively, they must inform the manager as soon as possible and seek medical advice. The manager will then complete a risk assessment and seek advice. 

Staff must only work directly with children if the medical advice received confirms that the medication is unlikely to impair their ability to look after children properly.

Staff medication on the premises will be stored securely and out of reach of children at all times.

Safeguarding children

All members of staff have a duty to inform the Directors and the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) if they believe that a parent or carer is a threat to the safety of a child due their being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs when they drop off or collect their child. The manager and DSL will decide upon the appropriate course of action.

If a parent or carer is clearly over the alcohol limit, or under the influence of illegal drugs, staff will do their utmost to prevent the child from travelling in a vehicle driven by them. If necessary the police will be called.

Related policies

Staff Disciplinary policy, Safeguarding policy.

Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2023): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Child protection [3.4], Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment [3.57] and Suitable people [3.19].